"Nnem nnem ezigbo nnem obele eze"
7 Nov 2022
This particular Article video is for Celebration of mother's worldwide expeciatially during Mothering Sunday Celebrations, Birthdays and special days, moments and occasions (video) to honor and celebrate Mothers and Woman-hood worldwild " Nnem Nnem ezigbo Nnem" The music of this video is awesome, Traditional Song for Celebrating Mother's all Over the world.
'Chieftaincy Titleship'
6 Oct 2022
Event's Chieftaincy Title-ship'in Isukwuato Abia State Nigeria,, #Chief 'Dr. Iheanachor Emeruwa' ( 'Ochiriozuo of Ozarah and Amune-Ovim' ) exchanging 'Pleasantry' during the Coronation of HRH 'Eze' Surveyor Chigbu Ikwulagu. 'Enyioha (Okwu II) of Amune-Ovim'.
This Videos is all about Africans And it Unique beautiful Cultural festivities and #Celebrations @Culturaltube.
# Afrcan Women Dancing And Jubilating# Culturaltube#
15 Nov 2022
This, article is about Afrcan Women Who appreciate and the celebrate with Fellow award recipant by #Enyioha Okwu II#:of #Amune-Ovim# Community who hornors Chieftaincy Titleship' to the outstanding personalities, members of their community for their long-time contribution's to the community development and the general growth. CHIEF Engr. Mrs 'Magdalene Emeruwa's is the wife "(Lolo)' , to "Dr Iheanachor Emeruwa' .As the popular Saying goes in In Africa, "for every successful Man there is a Woman behind Him". Chief Mrs Magdalene is not only behind the husband, Dr. I . Emeruwa as a wife, but She was described as 'good' and Supporting wife, who cordinates, motivates and encouraged the husband to
achieve most of his Philanthropic works and services to humanity.
Therefore ( 'Ndi Amune' ) in appreciation Coffered Her with a Chieftaincy Title of "NNE-NEMERE-OHA', of 'Amune-Ovim Autonomous Community'.
No wonder, the reasons why, Amune Woman development wing celebrated with her in their own unique style with thunderous ovation, songs, chantings with some beautiful African women songs and dancing steps. Just take a look at this Video: and also Celebrate with her and Other women who received similar awards of 'honor.
'Beautiful Maidens' 'Pride' (Zulu) @Culturaltube
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This article is all about Traditional Cultural Zulu Maidens, who in Seasonal gathered together to remind one another of their 'value 'system and 'Traditional' Cultural' 'norms expeciatially in the area of preserving their 'Virginity' until they are fully ripe to 'Woman-hood', the Cultural events comes in different ways, types, according to the particular set and tribe, purpose and resons of celebration of the people, of 'Southern African' "Traditional 'Cultural' pride,' and Unique dancing kicks and chantings @Culturaltube
Preserved 'Culture Dance,' @Culturaltube (Zulu)
NOT PUBLISHED Publish article
This article is all about Traditional Cultural Zulu Maidens, who in Seasonal gathered together to remind one another of their 'value 'system and 'Traditional' Cultural' 'norms expeciatially in the area of preserving their 'Virginity' until they are fully ripe to 'Woman-hood', the Cultural events comes in different ways, types, according to the particular set and tribe, purpose and resons of celebration of the people, of 'Southern African' "Traditional 'Cultural' pride,' and Unique dancing kicks and chantings @Culturaltube
Maiden Moments @Culturaltube
20 Nov 2022
This article is all about Traditional Cultural Zulu Maidens, who in Seasonal gathered together to remind one another of their value system and Traditional Cultural norms expeciatially in the area of preserving their 'Virginity' until they are fully ripe to 'Woman-hood', this kind of Cultural events comes in times of wedding, age grade feasting and other different ways, types, according to the particular set and tribe, purpose and resons of celebration of the people, of 'Southern African' "Traditional 'Cultural' pride,' and Unique dancing kicks and chantings @Culturaltube
Oso Epko Ovim 1 Ama Aachiebe
23 Nov 2022
This Festivals events is unique Traditional 'Cultural "events' that's been participated by the Youths age Man and Woman including Children who indicates interested and want to participate, is #OsoEkpo' is a 'Masquerade Festival# in Ovim Communities, normally celebrated at the end of last days of the last month of the Year. Remember Every Community in African Nations have their own unique #Masquerades, Types, Names, Purpose of Exhibition, Time Calendar and the period of Exhibition etc. normally by the Youths, most times both men and women participate in the dancing aspect of the Festivals. #Culturaltube
This Videos is all about Africans And it Unique beautiful "Cultural festivities; and Celebrations
Oso Epko Ovim Middle
24 Nov 2022
This Festivals events is unique Traditional 'Cultural "events; that's been participated by the Youths age Man and Woman including Children who indicates interested and want to participate, is #OsoEkpo' is a 'Masquerade Festival# in Ovim Communities, normally celebrated at the end of last days of the last month of the Year. Remember Every Community in African Nations have their own unique #Masquerades, Types, Names, Purpose of Exhibition, Time Calendar and the period of Exhibition etc. normally by the Youths, most times both men and women participate in the dancing aspect of the Festivals. #Culturaltube
This Videos is all about Africans And it Unique beautiful Cultural festivities and Celebrations
'Oso Epko Ovim' video Ending
24 Nov 2022
This Festivals events is unique Traditional Cultural "events' that's been participated by the Youths age Man and Woman including Children who indicates interested and want to participate, is #OsoEkpo' is a 'Masquerade Festival# in Ovim Communities, normally celebrated at the end of last days of the last month of the Year. Remember Every Community in African Nations have their own unique #Masquerades, Types, Names, Purpose of Exhibition, Time Calendar and the period of Exhibition etc. normally by the Youths, most times both men and women participate in the dancing aspect of the Festivals. #Culturaltube
This Videos is all about Africans And it Unique beautiful Cultural festivities and Celebrations
'Oke-Ekpe Egwunta' Ovim1
25 Nov 2022
In this article is all about Traditional Cultural festival, celebrated at the last days of the last month of year most times the Festival jump into the new year which is January, the event day and day usually obey ( Ovum ) Ovim Traditional Cultural Calendar using "Igbo Market days" . The Festivals is #Ajonkwu'-Ovum1# .This is a festival that is Celebrated during the end of the year, in Ovim Communities and environse in Isukwuato L.G.A of Abia State Nigeria west Africa. it is a highly exteemmed Masquerade among the people. #Culturaltube
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