Afrcan Traditional Cultural Dance
6 Oct 2022
这是关于#Afrcan Traditional Cultural #Dancer# #Egwu Akwatakwa Dance# 在“加冕典,庆典”期间表演的“视频文章”。这篇文章是关于这个特殊的非洲人的文化音乐和舞蹈称为“Egwu Akwatakwa 舞蹈”。这是一种充满兴奋和活力的音乐和舞蹈,舞者用准备好的干竹签制成的特殊乐器创造他们独特的音乐声音、韵律和旋律,乐器演奏者和舞者在那里跳舞、欢呼 并以充满活力的动作煽动旋转
'IGBA NDI EZE' #cultral dance troop'
5 Oct 2022
The 'Igba Ndi' Eze' Cultural dance group is a 'Traditional Cultural dancers', that's usually perform for 'Titled men, 'Royal Anniversary Ceremony', #(Igba-'Ofala Festivals', ) 'Coronations ceremony's, And the other 'Chieftaincy Title's related events ceremonies and the general occasions. Most times the troops are made-up of the 'drummers, 'flutist', an African 'Earthen drummer', other musical instruments like 'Oyo 'Akwatakwa, 'Ada-nma Masquerade' dancers and others performers and instruments.
#African 'Traditional Royal' dance' #Igba Ndi' 'Eze. That's featured during The 'Coronation' Of HRH. 'Eze Surveyor "Chigbu Ikwulagu' ('Okwu II of 'Amune Ovim' ) performing wonderfully #Culturaltube
Eqwu Nkwa Na Akwatakwa
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his is about Afrcan Traditional Cultural Dancer's performing during a "Coronation Ceremony Celebration".. This write up is about this particular Afrcan Cultural music and dance Called "Egwu Akwatakwa Dance". It's is a music and dance filled with excitement and energy's where by the dancers creat their unique musical Sounds, rhymes and rethyms with special musical instruments made from prepared dried Bamboo Stick, where by the instrumentalists and dancers, dance, jubilates, and gyrates in incitement with energetic moves.
# Afrcan Women Dancing And Jubilating# Culturaltube#
15 Nov 2022
This, article is about Afrcan Women Who appreciate and the celebrate with Fellow award recipant by #Enyioha Okwu II#:of #Amune-Ovim# Community who hornors Chieftaincy Titleship' to the outstanding personalities, members of their community for their long-time contribution's to the community development and the general growth. CHIEF Engr. Mrs 'Magdalene Emeruwa's is the wife "(Lolo)' , to "Dr Iheanachor Emeruwa' .As the popular Saying goes in In Africa, "for every successful Man there is a Woman behind Him". Chief Mrs Magdalene is not only behind the husband, Dr. I . Emeruwa as a wife, but She was described as 'good' and Supporting wife, who cordinates, motivates and encouraged the husband to
achieve most of his Philanthropic works and services to humanity.
Therefore ( 'Ndi Amune' ) in appreciation Coffered Her with a Chieftaincy Title of "NNE-NEMERE-OHA', of 'Amune-Ovim Autonomous Community'.
No wonder, the reasons why, Amune Woman development wing celebrated with her in their own unique style with thunderous ovation, songs, chantings with some beautiful African women songs and dancing steps. Just take a look at this Video: and also Celebrate with her and Other women who received similar awards of 'honor.
'Chieftaincy Titleship'
6 Oct 2022
Event's Chieftaincy Title-ship'in Isukwuato Abia State Nigeria,, #Chief 'Dr. Iheanachor Emeruwa' ( 'Ochiriozuo of Ozarah and Amune-Ovim' ) exchanging 'Pleasantry' during the Coronation of HRH 'Eze' Surveyor Chigbu Ikwulagu. 'Enyioha (Okwu II) of Amune-Ovim'.
This Videos is all about Africans And it Unique beautiful Cultural festivities and #Celebrations @Culturaltube.
Afrcan Chieftaincy Title-ship
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This Video article is about Chieftaincy Title-ship withness by @gisternews in 'Ovim' 'Isukwuato Abia' State 'Nigeria' Chief, 'Onyebuchi Ogbonna'. Bsc.Marketing, Imo State University, helds from 'Oruah Amune Ovim' Autonomous Community, he was formerly conferred a Chietaincy title, of @( ) 'Amarachi 1 of Ovim' 'Kingdom', by HRH 'Eze 'Obioha Nkere Ugoji'. (Ph.D Econs) #Enachi 'Enyi of 'Ovim# Kingdom, and now his recent by ('Ndi-Amune') under the reigns of HRH Eze Surveyor Chigbu Ikwulagu honoring him another title "Odiohama' 1 as well as 'Traditional Prime Minister' of 'Amune Ovim Autonomous Community' after due consultations and the engagements, to the glory of Almighty Amen.
'Community Cabinet members'
5 Oct 2022
Some where in Isukwuato Abia State Nigeria 'west Africa', according to ( @gisternews ), it was a grand events, Coronation, Chieftaincy award ceremony. @(Culturaltube) Some of the Amune cabinet members was elevated to high Chief's #People Cabinet members Chieftaincy title-ship#
Culturaltube #Cabinate Members of HRH 'Eze Surveyor Chigbu Ikwulagu' ( 'Okwu II' ) of 'Amune Ovim' during His Coronation.
Many other people were honored with Chieftaincy Title, from home, Nigeria, Africa Europe and America for the Love of their Root ( sweet home land ) and their immense contribution to human capital development and community development in general, but many of them did not come back for the Award, due to Covict 19 measures ( travel restrictions occasioned by covict 19 ) but they are duely represented, it's was a huge Occasion and the celebration, This Video article is all about Africans And it Unique beautiful Cultural festivities and Celebrations#
'Afrcan Chieftaincy Title-ship'
5 Oct 2022
During one of the event's 'Ceremony' in 'Amune-Ovim' in Isukwuato Abia State Nigeria (#Culturatube) the people of Amune Community' gathered, appreciate's and the Hornored some of their Son's, Daughters, Wife's, In-laws, Friends and Well-Wishers etc. With the award of Chieftaincy Title-ship' ( ), it is during this August Occasion that's 'Chief Dr Iheanachor Emeruwa' MD. Helds from 'Umuopkia Ngbelu" "Amune-Ovim", is one of the Awardees recognized during the coronation in appreciation of his immeasurable contribution's and services to the people of 'Amune-Ovim Autonomous Community'.
As a Certified Professional Medical Doctor, based in the, United States Of America, Consultant, Internist and Gynachologist , President of ASPEN and many other international bodies . He has sponsored and lead Medical Team, many times to Ovim, Isukwuato and other part of Nigeria and Africa in general for a free Medical Missions, and also other Philanthropics Works and Services in the area of Education, under the Famous "David Emeruwa Education Foundation" . That's over thirty years has trained so many people in Secondary and Tertiary institution, in Nigeria, Africa and beyonds.So in a appreciation of His immeasurable contribution to the growth of Skills and human capital development in Amune-Ovim and beyond. ("Ndi Amune" ) He was Conferred with Chieftaincy Title: 'Ochiriozuo of 'Amune-Ovim' Autonomous Community. ". By Amune people.( 'Amune na Ovum n' asuu jide ka iji O!.Ndewoo'!! )
This Videos is all about Africans And it Unique beautiful Cultural festivities and Celebrations# Culturaltube#
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